There are so many types of investments to consider if you are considering diversifying your portfolio. The investments are endless, from stocks to rental properties, micro-investing, and cryptocurrency. If you love making money and are eco-conscious, ethical, and socially responsible, investing could be the right fit for you.

Ethical investing and socially responsible investing (SRI) are two investment strategies that prioritize investments' social and environmental impact, in addition to financial returns. Ethical investing involves investing in companies that align with ethical principles, such as ecological sustainability, human rights, and social justice. SRI takes it a step further, considering not just the companies themselves but also the impact of their business practices and operations.

Both ethical investing and SRI have gained popularity in recent years as more investors seek to align their investments with their personal values and beliefs. In this article, we will explore what ethical investing and SRI are, how they differ from traditional investing, and the potential benefits and drawbacks of these investment strategies.

What is Ethical Investing?

Ethical investing, also known as values-based investing or socially responsible investing (SRI), is an investment strategy that involves investing in companies that align with a set of ethical principles. These principles may include environmental sustainability, human rights, animal welfare, and social justice. 

The goal of ethical investing is to support companies that positively impact society and the planet while avoiding companies that engage in harmful or unethical practices.

There are several ways to practice ethical investing. One approach is investing in companies with high environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings. ESG ratings assess a company's performance in climate change, labor practices, and board diversity. 

Another approach is investing in companies involved in specific causes or industries, such as renewable energy, fair trade, or healthcare.
Ethical investing has become increasingly popular as more investors seek to align their investments with their personal values and beliefs. 

According to a , global sustainable investment assets reached $35.3 trillion in 2020, up 15% from 2018.

What is Socially Responsible Investing?

Socially responsible investing (SRI) is a more comprehensive approach to ethical investing, as it considers not just the companies themselves but also the impact of their business practices and operations. SRI involves investing in companies that not only align with a set of ethical principles but also have a positive impact on society and the planet.

SRI takes a holistic view of investing, considering the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impact of a company's products, services, and operations. SRI investors seek to support companies that have a positive impact on society and the planet while avoiding companies that engage in harmful or unethical practices.

SRI can be achieved through a variety of investment vehicles, including mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and individual stocks. SRI funds typically invest in companies that have high ESG ratings and are involved in industries such as renewable energy, clean technology, healthcare, and education.

Benefits of Ethical Investing and SRI

There are several potential benefits to ethical investing and SRI, both for investors and society as a whole.

  1. Alignment with personal values: Ethical investing and SRI allows investors to align their investments with their values and beliefs. This can provide a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, knowing that their money is being used to support causes they care about.
  2. Positive impact on society and the planet: Ethical investing and SRI can positively impact society and the world by supporting companies involved in industries such as renewable energy, clean technology, and healthcare. This can help to reduce carbon emissions, improve public health, and support social justice causes.
  3. Long-term financial performance: Studies have shown that companies with high ESG ratings tend to outperform their peers over the long term. Companies with strong ESG practices are often better equipped to manage risks and capitalize on opportunities, which can

Are these investment types the way of the future?

Ethical investing and socially responsible investing have gained popularity in recent years as more investors seek to align their investments with their personal values and beliefs. These investment strategies prioritize the social and environmental impact of investments in addition to financial returns. Ethical investing involves investing in companies that align with a set of ethical principles, while SRI considers not just the companies themselves but also the impact of their business practices and operations. 

Both investment types have potential benefits for investors and society, including alignment with personal values, positive impact on society and the planet, and long-term financial performance. As the world becomes more conscious of social and environmental issues, ethical investing and SRI will likely continue to grow in popularity and importance in the investment world. Focusing on bettering the planet is something we all need to take into consideration before it's too late.