  1. Quick Summary
  2. Choose a Side Hustle Carefully
  3. Develop a Schedule
  4. Learn to Say No
  5. Eliminate Distractions
  6. Focus on Goals
  7. Don’t be Black and White - Be Flexible
  8. Establish Boundaries
  9. Manage Your Time
  10. Outsource
  11. Wake Up Early
  12. Determine What is Important
  13. Take Time for Self-Care
  14. Conclusion

When you have a full-time job, working in a side gig isn’t easy. There never seems like there’s any time to earn extra cash. But you’d really like the extra money and want to make it work. Earning more money can help you balance your finances and pursue something with more control. We’ve found 12 ways to juggle a full-time job and a side gig.

1. Choose a Side Hustle Carefully

side hustle

Choose a side hustle that’s not all-consuming. If you plan on selling items you already make as a hobby, that’s one thing. But suddenly deciding to take up a project you don’t know much about is a recipe for disaster. Research every side gig you’re thinking of doing and estimate how much time it actually takes to do it. Then, decide on your new side business based on the facts.

2. Develop a Schedule


Time management is crucial when balancing a side hustle and a full-time job. Don’t just grab a moment here and there to work on your side hustle. Sit down once a week and map out when you’ll have the time to work on it. This will not only keep you organized, but it will make you aware of just how much time you have to work on it. There may be more time than you imagined. This is a great habit to get into.

3. Learn to Say No

Learn to Say No

Learn to say no to friends and family when they ask for favors. If you have time set aside on Saturday morning, say no to going out for breakfast with your best friend; see them when you’ve planned free time to maintain a healthy personal life.

4. Eliminate Distractions

eliminate distractions

This is similar to “learn to say no”. Don’t get caught up in distractions. It could be a phone call or a text message. Put your phone in another room. You may walk by the TV that’s turned on and get mesmerized by a program that’s airing. Turn it off and walk away. Learn to avoid distractions. Creating a dedicated workspace can also help maintain focus and balance work and personal life.

5. Focus on Goals

Focus on Goals

Stay focused on establishing what your goal is and then concentrate on it. Make sure you spend time on things that contribute to meeting that goal. For example, don’t work on your logo for hours when you could do other tasks that move your side gig along. If it really doesn’t matter, like in the logo example, don’t spend time on it.

6. Don’t be Black and White - Be Flexible

Be Flexible

This comes under the all-or-nothing headline. You are either a big success or a failure. It’s okay to miss a day once in a while. It’s just a hiccup in your journey. If you stumble, think how you can avoid that in the future. You’re not going to be an overnight success. It takes a lot of work and sometimes months or years to achieve a goal and run a successful business.

7. Establish Boundaries

Establish Boundaries

Balancing your day job and other commitments requires clear boundaries. Let your family, friends, and colleagues know ahead of time when you’re available and when you’re not. Ask them to respect this. If someone ignores this boundary, politely say you’re not available. Be clear that you’re only available during the times you told them, so don’t be offended when you can’t join them.

8. Manage Your Time

Manage Your Time

You have your schedule; now follow it. Follow a strict routine. Adhere to this routine until it becomes a habit. It takes about a month to establish a habit. Force yourself to follow this routine and establish your habit, taking advantage of available resources to optimize your time.

9. Outsource


Delegate tasks that are not possible or important for you to do. There are only so many hours in a day, and it’s okay not to do everything. If you have a blog, outsource some writing. If you’re on YouTube, outsource the editing. You can also hire a virtual assistant to do the mundane tasks.

10. Wake Up Early

Wake Up Early

You can get a lot of work done early in the morning while everyone in the household sleeps. There won’t be any distractions and it will be quiet. You’ll find yourself very productive and moving along faster.

However, if you are a night owl, you might find that you are more productive during late-night hours instead

11. Determine What is Important

Determine What is Important

Making money can be a priority, so make a list of what is essential and what can be done later. Put off the unimportant item, or better yet, outsource it so you can check it off your to-do list. This will help you feel less overwhelmed by everything you must do.

12. Take Time for Self-Care

Self Care

Make time for rest and self-care. If you don’t, you'll set yourself up for burnout and won't want to work on your side gig. Plan rest time in your weekly schedule. This is the time to watch TV or go out with friends. Maybe you just want to sleep. Schedule in whatever will re-generate you.


Working a full-time job and having a side gig can be challenging. But you can do this with planning and discipline. Ensure you have realistic goals and remember them when you find yourself tired or frustrated.

Bob Haegele

About the Author

Bob Haegele Bob Haegele

Bob Haegele, your personal finance guru, draws on years of experience to simplify complex financial concepts and offer actionable advice.

Dedicated to helping you achieve financial success, Bob is here to guide you through every step of your journey to financial freedom with expertise in areas such as investing, student loans, and credit cards. His work has appeared on Business Insider,, and other nationally recognized outlets.

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