  1. Quick Summary
  2. Street Musician
  3. Mowing Lawns
  4. Dog Walking
  5. House Cleaner
  6. Farmer's Market Seller
  7. Handyman
  8. Tutoring
  9. House Painter
  10. Auto Detailer
  11. Small Engine Repairman
  12. Bartender
  13. Bike Repairman
  14. Conclusion

Cash is king. And when you can make it under the table, that’s even better. There are many cash jobs available, such as street performing, house cleaning, and pet sitting, that pay you directly. However, it's important to remember that you must pay taxes on these earnings to comply with the law. Here are 12 top under the table jobs that pay you cash directly.

1. Street Musician

Street Musician

If you play an instrument, play on the street in a busy area and earn cash. A street musician is a great under the table job if you are relatively good at what you play and you don't have to be an expert at it, eitherPeople love music and are willing to tip you cash to hear you play. If it’s around the holidays, make sure you have some songs that fit the season and you'll make even more extra cash.

2. Mowing Lawns

Mowing Lawns

This is the age-old way to make some cash. All you need is a lawnmower, and you’ve got a business offering cash paying jobs. Go on social media or put up fliers in your neighborhood to find regular customers. Then you just develop a routine and earn money. You could charge by the hour or a flat fee for the size of the yard. The best part is that you can have an extremely flexible schedule, allowing you to have a full-time job, too.

3. Dog Walking

pet sitter

Dog walking can be very lucrative. You can charge up to $35 for a 30-minute walk. If you live in an urban area with many dogs, walk several at a time and earn even more. Ask your clients to pay cash either per dog walk or monthly and you'll really start to rack up some extra money.

4. House Cleaner

House Cleaners

House cleaning is a job most people hate, so this one can be a real money maker. You can charge by the hour or by the size of the house. It might not be the most glamorous job, but it allows for extra cash and most clients will pay cash for your services.

5. Farmer's Market Seller

Farmer's Market

If you make crafts or grow produce, selling at a farmers’ market can be a great way to earn extra money. You’ll have to pay for the booth, but you can make all sales strictly cash. If you’re there every week, some regulars might show up for your produce.

6. Handyman


Are you good at fixing things? Then put that skill to work for you and make some cash. Don’t bother with electrical or HVAC—let the pros do that—but you can do some basic carpentry, mount TVs, patch holes in walls, etc. Ensure you don’t need a license to do this type of work, and then start earning some paid cash.

7. Tutoring


If you do well in school, you can use your smarts to make some cash. Parents will pay a lot for a tutor. In fact, some tutors make anywhere from $20 to $50, depending on the subject. Post signs at school or promote yourself on social media to find cash paying jobs.

8. House Painter

House Painter

Some people find painting a house boring and would rather hire someone. You could charge by square foot and add extra for ceiling and trim.

9. Auto Detailer

Car Detailer

All you need are some rags, a shop vac and cleaning supplies and you're in business. You can then go to peoples' homes to clean their cars. Some auto detailers make up to $50 per hour cleaning cars. Ask your clients to pay cash and then you don't necessarily have to worry about paying taxes - depending on how much extra income you make. Be sure to check the tax laws in your area to know for sure.

10. Small Engine Repairman


Can you fix things, then you’re in demand. Many people break their mopeds, lawnmowers, generators, etc. and need someone to work on them. List your services on various social media and Craigslist and people will happily come to you.

11. Bartender


You can pick up some quick cash if you know how to mix cocktails. The business will pay you, but you’ll also make a lot of cash tips. Even if you don’t work in a bar, there are parties or weddings you can work. Just put your tip jar out for people to fill.

12. Bike Repairman

Bike Repairman

Biking has always been popular. It's an inexpensive and fun way to exercise. But sometimes bikes need to be repaired. If you're handy, this is a great way to make cash. Or even better, fix up bikes you pick up at garage sales that need repairs. You can fix them and sell them.

Whether you have special skills or not, you can make some cash with an under the table job, such as pet sitting, snow removal, teaching music lessons, or working as a tour guide or local driver. There's several jobs that pay cash, as well, which will hep with taxes every year. Check local Facebook groups for opportunities to find such jobs. Keep in mind that people have tasks all the time they don’t want to do. Most are willing to pay cash to have them done. You could be the one making it.

Bob Haegele

About the Author

Bob Haegele Bob Haegele

Bob Haegele, your personal finance guru, draws on years of experience to simplify complex financial concepts and offer actionable advice.

Dedicated to helping you achieve financial success, Bob is here to guide you through every step of your journey to financial freedom with expertise in areas such as investing, student loans, and credit cards. His work has appeared on Business Insider,, and other nationally recognized outlets.

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